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Kozel, Susan. 2007. Closer: Performance, Technologies, Phenomenology. The MIT Press. Kozel, Susan. 2012. “AffeXity: Performing Affect using Augmented Reality.” In Fibreculture Journal, Issue 21 on “Exploring affect in interaction design, interaction-based art and digital art”, edited by Jonas Fritsch, Thomas Markussen, and Andrew Murphie. twentyone.fibreculturejournal.org/fcj-150-affexity-performing-affect-with-augmented-reality

Kozel, Susan. 2013.  “Video tutorial on Phenomenology for the Practice Based Research in the Arts Course.” Stanford University. www.youtube.com/watch?v=mv7Vp3NPKw4

Kozel, Susan. 2015. “Process Phenomenologies.” In Modes of Embodiment: The Poetics of Phenomenology in Performance Studies, edited by E. Nedelkopoulou, Jon Foley Sherman, and Maaike Bleeker, 55–74. London and New York: Routledge.

Kozel, Susan. 2017. “Performing Encryption.” In Performing the Digital, edited by Martina Leeker et al., 117–134. Bielefeld: transcript.

Kozel, Susan. 2018. “Performing Phenomenology: The Work of Choreographer Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir.” In Phenomenology as Performative Exercise, edited by Lucilla Guidi and Thomas Rentsch, for the Studies in Contemporary Phenomenology series. Brill Publishers.

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